
See what teachers are saying about MoxieReader!

Hundreds of teachers are joining the MoxieReader reading revolution. 
Here's what some of them have to say:

 My students feel empowered using
MoxieReader because it is so independent,
and they can do it on their own.

~Katy, 3rd grade teacher

I'm looking at 221 books logged and over
14,000 pages just in the last couple of weeks...
it's pretty awesome.

~Charles, 4th grade teacher

I think it’s a differentiated tool and it sees the students for who they are, and it doesn’t just view them as ‘You are this score’....
It really looks at their interests and the reality of their progress.

~Karen, Media Specialist

 I use MoxieReader. Best investment for my classroom.
Gets kids talking about books, sharing titles, requesting titles
from other libraries, and motivates readers in a socially-driven way. I love that it makes being a reader a social norm in my classroom. Such a big deal!

~Anonymous teacher

 It's been really user-friendly - really easy to implement -
not very time-consuming as a teacher.

~Eileen, K-2 Literacy Specialist

    It’s definitely a more authentic reading
experience for the students. They are driven
by their own motivation.

~Susan, 4th grade teacher

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